Foot Care Tips for Active Seniors


Taking care of your feet is more important than you might think, especially as you stay active. Good foot health plays a crucial role in maintaining overall mobility and comfort, which is essential for enjoying a full and active life. Whether you’re walking, exercising, or simply going about your daily activities, your feet are doing a lot of work. This guide aims to provide practical tips to keep your feet in top shape while you stay active, and highlight common foot problems that can affect your well-being.

Understanding Foot Health

Common Foot Problems in Seniors

As we age, our feet can encounter a range of issues that might not have been a problem when we were younger. Here are a few common concerns:

  • Plantar Fasciitis: This condition involves pain in the heel, often caused by inflammation of the tissue connecting your heel bone to your toes. It’s common among active seniors and can make even simple activities uncomfortable.
  • Bunions: These are bony bumps that form at the base of your big toe. They can cause discomfort and make it harder to find well-fitting shoes.
  • Heel Spurs: Heel spurs are growths of bone on the underside of the heel bone. They can be painful and may be linked to conditions like plantar fasciitis.
  • Corns and Calluses: These thickened areas of skin develop due to repeated friction or pressure. They’re often found on the toes or soles of the feet and can be quite bothersome.
  • Peripheral Neuropathy: This condition involves damage to the nerves in your feet, leading to pain, tingling, or numbness. It can affect your balance and make walking difficult.

Impact of Ageing on Foot Health

As we get older, several changes in our feet can contribute to these problems. Skin loses its elasticity and the fatty padding on the soles of the feet thins out, making them less cushioned. Joint flexibility can decrease, affecting how we walk and balance. Additionally, poor circulation can lead to slower healing and increased risk of infection.

Daily Foot Care Routine

Cleaning and Drying

A good daily foot care routine starts with proper cleaning. Use mild soap and warm water to wash your feet, paying close attention to the areas between your toes. This helps prevent fungal infections, which can be a common issue. After washing, dry your feet thoroughly. Ensure you get into the spaces between your toes to avoid moisture build-up, which can lead to issues like athlete’s foot.


Keeping your feet hydrated is another key part of foot care. Apply a good quality moisturiser to the tops and soles of your feet to prevent dryness and cracking. However, be cautious about applying moisturiser between your toes, as excess moisture in these areas can lead to fungal infections. Choose a moisturiser that is suitable for your skin type and needs.

Inspecting Feet Regularly

Regular foot inspections can help catch problems early. Each day, take a few moments to check your feet for any cuts, blisters, or signs of infection. A mirror can be helpful for inspecting the bottoms of your feet, especially if you have difficulty bending over. Look for any unusual changes, such as swelling, redness, or sores, and consult a podiatrist if you notice anything concerning.

Footwear and Orthotics

Choosing the Right Footwear

Selecting the right shoes is crucial for maintaining foot health. Look for shoes that offer good support and cushioning. They should fit well, with enough room to wiggle your toes but not so loose that your feet slide around. Avoid high heels and overly tight shoes, as these can exacerbate foot problems and cause discomfort.

Importance of Proper Fit

Feet can change shape and size over time, so it’s a good idea to have them measured regularly. When trying on new shoes, make sure they provide adequate support and comfort. Walk around in them to ensure they don’t pinch or cause any discomfort. The right fit can prevent many foot issues and contribute to overall comfort.

Orthotic Solutions

If you experience persistent foot pain, custom orthotics might be a good solution. These are specially designed inserts that provide additional support and cushioning. If custom orthotics aren’t necessary, over-the-counter insoles can offer extra comfort and help alleviate some foot issues. Consult with a healthcare professional to determine what’s best for your needs.

Exercise and Foot Health

Safe Exercises for Seniors

Staying active is essential, but it’s important to choose exercises that are gentle on your feet. Low-impact activities like swimming, cycling, and walking are excellent choices. These exercises can help maintain overall fitness without putting too much strain on your feet.

Foot-strengthening Exercises

Incorporating foot-strengthening exercises into your routine can also be beneficial. Simple exercises such as toe raises, foot stretches, and using resistance bands can help strengthen the muscles in your feet and improve balance. This can contribute to better stability and help prevent falls.

Avoiding Overuse Injuries

It’s important to listen to your body and avoid overuse injuries. If you start to feel pain or discomfort, give yourself time to rest and recover. Overdoing it can lead to injuries and setbacks, so balance your activity with adequate rest periods to keep your feet healthy.

Managing Foot Pain

Identifying Causes of Pain

Foot pain can arise from a variety of sources, and recognising the cause is key to managing it effectively. Common causes of foot pain include overuse, poor footwear, and underlying health conditions like arthritis or diabetes. If you experience persistent pain, it’s important to consider factors such as recent activities, changes in your footwear, or any new symptoms.

If the pain is sudden or severe, or if you notice swelling, redness, or difficulty walking, it may be time to seek professional advice. In such cases, consulting a podiatrist can help determine whether there is an underlying condition that needs treatment.

Home Remedies and Treatments

For mild foot pain, several home remedies can provide relief. Resting the affected foot and applying ice can help reduce swelling and numb pain. Elevating the foot can also alleviate pressure and aid in reducing inflammation. Over-the-counter pain relievers, such as ibuprofen or acetaminophen, can be useful for managing discomfort. However, always use these medications as directed and consult with a healthcare provider if you have any concerns or underlying health conditions.

Professional Treatments

If home remedies aren’t enough, professional treatments may be necessary. A podiatrist can offer a range of treatments depending on the cause of your pain. This might include physical therapy, custom orthotics, or other interventions. In some cases, minor procedures might be recommended to address specific issues. Early intervention can help prevent more serious problems and ensure a quicker recovery.

Preventive Measures

Maintaining a Healthy Weight

Maintaining a healthy weight is beneficial for overall foot health. Excess weight puts additional stress on your feet and can exacerbate existing issues. By managing your weight through a balanced diet and regular exercise, you can reduce the strain on your feet and improve overall comfort.

Tips for Weight Management

  • Balanced Diet: Focus on a diet rich in fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and lean proteins. These foods provide essential nutrients and help maintain a healthy weight.
  • Regular Exercise: Incorporate physical activities that you enjoy and can stick with long-term. Activities like walking, swimming, or low-impact aerobics can help manage weight while being gentle on your feet.
  • Stay Hydrated: Drinking plenty of water supports overall health and can aid in weight management.

Regular Medical Check-Ups

Regular foot examinations are crucial for catching issues early and managing them effectively. Routine check-ups with a podiatrist can help monitor changes in your foot health and provide early intervention if needed. These check-ups are especially important if you have diabetes or other conditions that can affect foot health.

For those in the Wembley area, AppliedMotion offers lasting relief from foot pain with the help of their trusted foot and ankle specialists. Their expert team can provide comprehensive assessments and tailored treatment plans to address your specific foot health needs. Regular visits to a trusted clinic like AppliedMotion ensure that any potential issues are identified and managed promptly.

Working with Healthcare Providers

Effective foot care often involves collaboration with healthcare providers. Share any concerns or changes in your foot health with your doctor or podiatrist. They can provide tailored advice and treatment options based on your specific needs. For those in Wembley, working with AppliedMotion can enhance your care. Their specialists are known for their expertise in treating various foot and ankle conditions and can offer personalised solutions to help you maintain optimal foot health.

Keeping open communication with your healthcare team, such as the professionals at AppliedMotion, helps ensure that you receive the best possible care. They are dedicated to offering support and expert advice to help manage and prevent foot pain, ensuring you can continue enjoying an active and comfortable lifestyle.


Taking proactive steps to care for your feet is vital for staying active and enjoying a high quality of life. Regularly inspecting and caring for your feet, choosing the right footwear, and managing pain effectively are all important aspects of foot health. By following these tips, you can maintain your mobility and prevent common foot issues.

Keeping your feet in good shape requires attention and effort, but the benefits are well worth it. Healthy feet support an active lifestyle and contribute to overall well-being. Make foot care a regular part of your routine, stay mindful of any changes, and don’t hesitate to seek professional advice when needed. By staying proactive, you can continue to enjoy your favourite activities and keep moving comfortably.